What is aromatherapy?

Aromatherapy is the use of essential oils to heal oneself or to maintain health.

What is aromatherapy?

Definition of aromatherapy

Aromatherapy is one of the so-called "soft" medicines. It is a therapeutic approach that uses plant essences.

What is an essential oil ?

Essential oils are fragrant substances obtained from plants. These odorous substances, in liquid form, are volatile. Evaporation of this liquid can return to the odor state without leaving any traces. essential oils are collected by different extraction processes.

The various names of essential oils

In the liquid state, we meet various names such as: vegetable essences, essential oils, volatile oils, aromatic essences, rectifying spirits and aromas. All these names describe the same product.

Composition of essential oils

A set of components come into play in each HE, in varying proportions depending on the type of gasoline concerned :

  • Terpenes

  • Ketones

  • Lactones

  • Esters

  • Phenols

States of essential oils

Not all essential oils are alike. It will be necessary to know how to differentiate the essential oils, according to whether they are:

  • artificial or synthetic

  • rectified essences

  • terpeneless essences

  • reconstituted or semi-synthetic essences

Aromatherapy: first steps

We could trace the appearance of essential oils to around 4500 BC. What is certain is that from that time on, people were interested in the therapeutic virtues of plants and in the use of balms and aromas.

First appearance of the term "aromatherapy"

In 1937, a certain RM Gatefossé studied the medicinal use of plants, but his notes did not appear until 1937, when Doctor Foveau de Courmelles decided to preface his work and publish it under the term: "aromatherapy”.

The interest aroused by the use of plant essences for therapeutic purposes has mainly increased since 1945.

Aromatherapy, phytotherapy, phyto-aromatherapy

If aromatherapy refers exclusively to therapy with essential oils, phytotherapy refers to therapy with plants (decoctions, infusions, maceration, local application of plasters, etc.).

Since 1940, the craze for the use of plants in all its forms has led to an increase in these two therapies simultaneously, revealing the notion of phyto-aromatherapy.